We help seasoned professionals and business owners escape from a scheme where their job or their business dictates everything in their life - from where, how,…

We help seasoned professionals and business owners escape from a scheme where their job or their business dictates everything in their life - from where, how, with whom and when they work, to family time, personal time and even how healthy they eat.

We do it by helping them to venture down a better life, professional and family paths on a day by day basis - without introducing shocking changes or useless stress in the process.

Life is a venture™ - there are risks, but the rewards are worth it. As the saying goes: nothing ventured, nothing gained...
Pełna nazwa:Ventureday P.S.A.
Adres:ul. Łancucka 12a lok. 8, 80-809
Gdańsk, Poland
E-mail: office@ventureday.com
Strona WWW:https://www.ventureday.com
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Ventureday - work on your Venture... every day.

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